
If you’ve enjoyed my lessons or found them helpful, I would appreciate if you could take a moment to leave a brief testimonial below.

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  1. nicely done. i enjoy your videos, learn a lot from them. they give me a new perspective. by the way, love marketsworld.com. they are very precise with prices compared to other brokers. thanks for introducing them.

  2. Thanks Brian,
    If it was not for you I will still be in the dark. You teachings have helped me a lot.

  3. THE BEST comprehensive FREE online course that I have found. PERIOD. A solid foundation of knowledge covering so many vital aspects of trading. Really well structured, easy to digest, short videos that actually explain how everything works. Thank you SO much Brian for putting so much time and effort into this!

  4. Hey Brian, I have studied Forex for over two years now. I have had several Demo accounts. After I went through almost all of your courses something just clicked with me. Your way of teaching the information made sense. I gained confidence and started trading real money. I am winning more than 80% now for over a month. I am very patient with my trades. I use your information for money management, psychology and all other aspects of the trade. When I lose I understand its part of the game and I expect to lose some trades. I just accept it and continue with my trading. I have a set of written rules that I adhere to on a daily basis, ie. two loses in a row, or 3/day Im done for the day! Never trade more than 5% on a single trade etc…
    So far so good,
    Thank you for all your help,

  5. Great work Brian!
    The experience with binary options is clear. Thanks for the hard work.

  6. Brian is amazing. I am newbie trader and I recently started watching his videos on YouTube. I have been demoing for awhile but I finally started trading live. I won all of my trades and I owe it all to his lessons.

  7. I was a little skeptic when I first encountered Brian’s site because most binary option trading “guides” are practically a sales pitch for brokerages. These “guides” usually consist of basic binary option information persuading you that you can easily make big in a short amount of time just to get you to sign up via their affiliate links. Brian provides straightforward information and I have no problem with his promotion methods because they are honest and are not “pushy” at all. I emailed Brian about a brokerage firm I was interested in and he replied within a few minutes. Wow. His courses follow a university format which is helpful when it comes to organizing all my notes and this makes the learning process stress-free. I cannot wait to continue my education with Financial Trading School and I wish the best of luck to everyone who is willing to put in the hard work that this requires.

  8. Great BO course I’m making money because of Brian!

  9. Brian is an amazing teacher who doesn’t mess around and gets straight to the point of what you need to know, thanks so much for making this available to us!

  10. I´m an old beginner in trading from Sweden and I want to thank You Brian for an exellent Financial Trading School. You handle it like real professor and a pro of finance.
    I also want to know which recommended brokers provide candlestick charts
    Yours Sincerely
    Bo Hassel

  11. Brian my brother’s the one that studied your videos and got me into trading. After months of testing we concluded that support and resistance and trends are the only real indicators. I thank you for the knowledge I’ve gained over the past few months, but I’m ready to retire from trading. Again thank you, let me tell you my story.

    My brother and dad saw it as a get rich quick game and they lost alot making big hundred dollar deposits when 20 was the minimum and just all around stupid trading. I was decent at support and resistance because why the * not risk 20 bucks after every paycheck from work. So I was able to make 200 a week doing that because it was comfortable.
    Then something big happened. I stumbled on a glitch where the price would spike towards a support suspiciously and return then to price. This was a glitch that gave me somewhat risk free trading. I’m not sure if it was actually a glitch, I mean what if that’s what the price actually does and the brokers are just smoothing out the odds? Anyway it got patched, but I’m happy with what I made from it.

  12. Brian,

    I am a novice and am just about to enter the world of Binary trading. I have been reading a lot of articles for the past 2 weeks. But I can say with all sincerity that your BO series have been an eye opener for me. I thoroughly enjoyed going through your videos. I am yet to complete the rest of the 200 and 300 series. I am looking forward to it. Many thanks.

  13. brian,can i ever thank you enough.my name name is obinna,am nigerian.i started following your series last month and also started trading binary options same month and i can’t explain how your videos has been a blessing.you ‘re making huge huge impact in the world.i do’t know if you religious but if you ‘re God bless you for your help.

  14. Hi Brian,
    Just want to say thank you so so much for making such high quality training videos.

  15. Hi Brian,

    Just want to say thank you so so much for making such high quality training videos. You are such a good teacher and I love how real you are man, there’s no fluff, no bullshit and ALL the information is usable. I’m particularly impressed with how you get into the physiological and emotional side as well, you have struck the perfect balance between the practical and theoretical and I’m sure you’d be a good tutor/coach in ANY field you put your time into. I’ve watched about half or little more of your videos so far and keen to start trading binary options with a MUCH better understanding and approach now, I tried it briefly prior to watching your videos with some strategy I found online that turned out to be way lame… I’m SO glad I stumbled across your videos and web pages. There is NOTHING out there that comes close to what you offer, paid or unpaid. You’re the man Brian!!

  16. Brian, I have to say something! I completed watching all the videos in the general trading series. just once. You are a genius man!

    The videos are straight to the point. There are many people who know a lot about trading, financial instrument and all that stuff. But when asked to present most of them struggle with what to say and what not to say; how to concise a big topic or a subject. But you do it in the perfect way possible.

    Keep up the good work. I request keep the videos always free to view.
    I enjoy reading all your videos.

    Great work man!!


  17. Hi Brian

    Thanks for this site, a lot of useful information for anyone seeking help/information about binary options.

    Thanks, Steve

  18. Brian,
    I don’t remember how I found your website, but I sure am glad I found it. I signed with Markets World through a link on your site. I completed the GT classes and am in the GT 200 classes. I haven’t traded yet. I want to learn more. You are doing a great job teaching me about Binary Options. Keep up the good work.

  19. Hello Brian,

    Thanks for making this information free. It’s good quality teaching that has really added to my knowledge of price action. Thanks again for making it free.


  20. This site and especially you Brian are MINT! Free and good material contained within is the understatement of the century. Designed to mimic the structure of a uni course, Brian has excelled in the delivery of the basics right through to the complex strategies for binary options and forex/general trading.
    Doubters and Newbies: this is as good as it gets, in regards to financial training, with Brian’s “No Bullshit” policy.
    Brian is an asset to the human race.

  21. Hi Brian.
    Just a quick note to thank you.
    I have recently started viewing your videos and already my trading has improved.
    Whilst I still have a way to go, by using your idea of viewing the charts by making them smaller has given me a much better view of the market.
    Currently I am at 80-90% strike rate on one minute binaries where before I was at 60-70%.
    So thank you

  22. Brian,
    I am eternally grateful for your Video Series. I have like many others found the Course immensely educational and it really helped me curb my losses. Please keep up the Good Work in helping Newbie Traders that are in desperate need of unbiased and concise education in this field.

  23. Hi Brian

    I have just started with your vidio’s a friend reffered me to your you tube site, I must say the time I started was when I really lost money on the binary options.

    Since I have started using your vidio’s I have not made money, but also have not lost any, I guess my old habits still hold me back from time to time.Just the fibs and doggies does it for me.

    I have started recomending your site to others, Well done!



  24. Absolutely best site for newbie traders. I’ve read a lot of articles and watched lot of videos before i’ve found FTS, so i’ve already knew most of the stuff in this materia, but Brian is really good teacher and his videos were very helpfull to organize my knowledge.

    My suggestions to all readers: do not skip videos, which covers things you already know (or you just think you know;>) – watch all of them as serie. Also: do not try to watch all this material in few days: watch at most few episodes per day – it’ll help you to better remember and understand how to trade.

    Brian: thanks for a great work!

  25. “…emails from people asking if I ever plan to turn FTS into a paid membership site. I can adamantly state that, this will never happen. The sole purpose of FTS always has been and always will be: to reduce the information gap between new traders and the world of finance. A price tag would go against the purpose of FTS since it increases the gap instead of reduce it.”

    All my life I’ve encountered dynamic obstacles to learning profitable ideas. Thank you for FTS and its mission. As a human being you are an example for all of us. Again sir, thank you.

  26. Brian,I’ve invested over the last 15 years but never got much out of it (blindly investing). I’ve just started forex and have already found your videos very helpful, I will open up a binary option acc. soon and comment in the near future
    many thanks

  27. Brian,

    I wanted to take the time out and thank you for the creation of your website, and YouTube channel. There are many topics that I had been exposed to prior to watching you videos, but there are many things that you have been able to clear up for me.

    It seems like I learn something new, or at least have a better understanding of how my trading strategy relates to your teachings every time I re-watch one of you videos.

    Sometimes I just listen to them in the car on my way to work to pass the time. It has been incredibly effective for me in the advancement and profitability of my trading of binary options. I have been trading with real money since June and have done really well.

    Thank you again for all that you do. I wish you the best of luck in your career and financial endeavors.

    Ryan Bielenberg

  28. Hi Brian,

    Thank you for the excellent work, and for taking the time and effort to provide clear, useful and easy-to-understand knowledge about binary options. It’s easy and, at the same time, overwhelming to find information on the web, without knowing which one is reliable. Specially, thank you for your sincerity when you say that you don’t know everything since this is a trading market where things change constantly and is more important being up-to-date and constructing strategies (and educational strategies)rather than just finding one formula and stick to it.


  29. Hi Brian,
    I have found your videos to be educational
    and informative.
    Thank you for your work.


  30. Well, if you’re reading this,then you’ve already made a smart move by investing time in Brian’s website. I ‘discovered’ the world of Binary Options a little over a year ago. Did a little ( and I MEAN little) reading on the matter, opened an account with a reputable options site, and started trading. I did AWESOME! I figured my first week of trading, I was hitting around 65% in the money!! EASIEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY EVER!!!! And then…………..

    Have you ever played card games? You know, someone teaches you the bare bones of the game, and you can’t help but win? That was me. And then….. reality set in and I lost EVERY cent I had made, plus my investment. Now I couldn’t help but be out of the money.

    I took a year off. I was disgusted! I found Brian’s Youtube account by accident, and started watching. My friends, knowledge is the key, and Brian is the locksmith Heed him! You WILL do well!

  31. Hi Brian, your lessons are great and would like to thank you for your time and effort, that you put into your lessons and I will recommend these to other people.


  32. Hi Brian,
    Thanks for your videos, they are helpfull for me.
    I did increase my success!! today i did win 8 out of 9 on usd/cad with your good tips thanks Again From Quebec. actually im not using your brokers. but in the future i will for sure take you as referal. im just a beginner

  33. Dear Brian
    I am a complete beginner in the Binary Options market, and a few weeks ago I found your videos by googling some keywords regarding training this kind of financial instruments.
    So far, I have only had the opportunity to look at the few first ones of the series, I must admit they are of very high educational quality and you have the ability to explain complex topics to beginners like not many professionals can do.
    Thank you for sharing your expertise, I will for sure add some more feedback in the future when I will go through the entire series.
    I will recommend these videos to friends who will be interested in this topic.
    Once again many thanks and wish you all the best in your Financial Trading School dream.

  34. Just a thankyou note for your videos on trading binary markets. Your videos have helped me greatly in how to read charts etc. and so provide me with a more educated approach to trading. Before I found your series on you tube I followed some other so called sure fire ways to make a profit, sure enough I lost money. I stopped, looked and listened and since I have followed your series I have started to turn things around. The biggest lesson I have learned is you won’t get rich overnight, nothing replaces education, knowledge and experience so keep up the good work

  35. howzit im sure my name sounds weird to everyone but your teachings are all the way in south africa thanks a lot for the solid foundation. also for teaching how to trade effectivly im now a live trader and winning alot of the time
    thanks man from one human to another

  36. I thank God I have stumbled upon your aid. It is really helpful that you are sharing your education and experience to serve others in their establishment of maneuvering through the market. May God count your good will and righteous deed of FTS in the book of life on judgment day.
    I can add many positive words to express my gratitude and opinion on you initiative, rather, the most affirmative weight I see providential value in to compliment your enterprise is the bestowal of prayers that extol God for his well published instrument who has had implanted well versed tutorials for novice traders. God bless.

  37. Hi Brian, I’m just going to start out with “wow”. A little about me to begin with, I’m active duty Military and have been for nearly 11 yrs. now. I was originally born in Lithuania and came to the States as a refugee. Throughout my teenage years, I’ve always had a “business mind frame” and constantly looking for real-time opportunities to become financially independent. Now as a single parent, Soldier I’m thinking in the long haul. I came across Binary Options recently and wanted to research it to make sure it wasn’t a “get rich overnight” scam. I read through many testimonials and everything seems to check out in my favor. Then…I came across your video lessons. I’m a newbie for sure. I decided to devote some personal time everyday to watch, listen and comprehend as mush as I was able to. I respect the fact that you put in so much effort into these videos because everything seemed very structured and in detail. I became addicted to your videos because everyday I wanted to learn something new. I will tell you first hand that I have learned a lot!! And still learning ofcourse. There isn’t any “bull shit” in these videos and that’s a plus! Right to the point. I’m giving myself until the end of the month to learn enough to conduct some “test trades” using Forex. Thank you for your videos as I have already saved them and will use them again and again accordingly. I have applied some of the knowledge gained in your videos by studying charts, platforms, etc so that I am able to understand what I’m looking at. Bottom line, thank you for your assistance that you provide. -SSG Lapelis 101st Airborne Div ( Air Assault )

  38. Hi Brian,

    Just wanted to thank you for all your youtube video’s as i’m a newbie at trading.
    It has helped me already just understanding when to trade and identifying all the different patterns.
    You are doing a very good job sharing your expertise and knowledge I really appreciate it.
    I ran some demo trades and prevailed with 6 wins out of 7.
    Before seeing your video’s I ran some live trades and lost all my money within 1hour 30 minutes.
    So I believe that your lessons are making a huge difference out there in the real world.

    Much appreciated


  39. Hi Brian, I just want to say your the man! I really appreciate your time creating these amazing videos that are teaching me everything I need to know about Binary Trading and General Trading. It means so much to me because this is my career. I been trading since 7th grade and those were my noob days until I started to learn more recently from your YouTube channel. I believe everything happenes for a reason. I landed on your YouTube channel just in time when everything just clicked just so perfectly right. I want to say thank you so much because trading is becoming a skilled game to me thank to you.

    I am so grateful for people like you.

    Thank you :-)

    Anthony Fernandez

  40. I just wanted to take the time to give a heartfelt thanks to Brian for the exceptional education he is providing us. I have found all of the lessons extremely helpful. They are concise as well as packed full of useful information and insight…both of which we would pay a premium for anywhere else.

    Can’t thank you enough Brian, keep up the great work and I am REALLY looking forward to the new lessons you are preparing.


    Nate Austin

  41. I am so glad that i came across Brian’s videos on youtube!! can’t thank him enough. I learned a lot throughout your videos, they are very clear and easy to understand. I got curious about forex trading, than i found binary option started studying and trying to learn more about it. I even created a few different demo accounts to start trading and practice. But after studying all of his B0 Series and a GT Series, i have started making profit, i know it not real money but at least its a good place to start.

    I have to recommend to everyone, take your time and learn with this man! Great stuff and it works!!!

    Thanks you very much Brian, and much success to you!

  42. I cannot give enough thanks to Mr. Brian Nguyen.

    Before I found this website, I was trading Binary Options at a win rate of around 30% – 40%.

    After just watching his BO100 series, I’ve observed an increase of win rate to 80% – 90%. Even 100% win rate some days.

  43. Hi mate just letting you know that your lessons are great and without them I feel that i would still be struggling and would like to thank you for your time and effort, that you put into your lessons and I will and have recommended these to other people just again thanks mate.

  44. To whom it may concern,

    This note is in reference to Brian’ Financial Trading School with his vast array of videos. I am specifically interested in the videos on binary options. I am an older trader, 66, having experience with long-hold stock trading and the traditional options market.

    I just recently entered the binary option trading market, opened an account and started trading with a demo account. It did not take long to realize I did not know what I was doing. So I began a search on the internet for some good training in binary options. I found many poor sites and then I discovered Brian’s site. It was a welcome relief.

    To begin with the site is neutral, which I appreciate, but with very good example real trades. Brian’s detail is extremely good. He also explains in detail various chart services and methodically goes through the charts, set-ups, etc., the vivid accuracy. Depth and understanding are his clear objectives, and he meets these objectives very nicely.

    After see 1/3 of the videos I began trading in my demo account again, and it did not take long to see I still did not have enough knowledge to be successful

    So I stopped trading and went back to the books (i.e., Brian’s website), with the intention of not trading anymore until I have completed all of Brian’s videos.

    I believe I will be success, then, in my trading. Brian’s grasp on general economics, from theory to practice, is obvious. I was very pleasantly surprised (and shocked) when I learned that Brian is quite younger than myself. It is hard to believe that someone his age can have this kind of theoretical and practical know level. The more I know about this man the more I like him. He is an excellent teacher. I would recommend his educational material to anyone interested in serious trading in the binary options marketplace.


    Donald Day

  45. Hi,

    Thank you very much for your courses, i learned some thing important from your courses. Thankyou onvceagain.


  46. First let me say thank you Brian for FTS. That you taught so well. You made it so simple and easy for us to understand;and the good thing about it is that it is FREE! yes FREE!! I understand how to read charts by the time I got to (GT 201) series. You are a blessing to me and to those who can’t afford to pay for these classes which a lot of people charging big bucks for what you’re doing. Thank You once again.


  47. Brian,
    I want to start by saying thanks for your efforts in Learning all about trading binary options. I find your site very educational and I have learned a lot this past two weeks. You have opened up a total new World i trading for me!

    I am a “newbie”, kind of, spent this last two years trying to trade binary but have not gotten that far in earning anything.

    This week (week 18) I am just sitting and looking at trendlines, support and resistance. I did my homework this weekend and a lot make sense. It is exciting.


  48. A BIG THANK YOU Brian!! You are a GODSEND.

  49. Brian your videos have helped me out a lot, it really is a shame that these haters let you down but I just want to let you know that you’ve still got fans and people who admire your time, work and effort into making all of these fantastic trading videos nonetheless the videos being for free. I hope that someday you can continue with FTJ and hopefully you will.
    Best regards,
    Your biggest fan

  50. Definitely, your videos had helped me to understand and learn much more about the best way to trade on binary options from a different point of view. At the beginning, I toughted that it would be another scam,.. when I started to watch tour videos, you convinced me ..100%. Thank you Brian , for your help.

  51. Hi,
    I’m a french student, and I just want to tell you that the work you provided is huge and really appreciable. Your altruism is impressive … So just a big thanks for all you did/do.

    Don’t read the rest if you don’t have the time, and do not bother to answer dude, I truly understand!

    Like I said, I’m student like you, at an engineers school, and I’m working hard on binary options for 1 month. The reason I started to be interested in is quite funny :
    An ad from a shitty broker just “popped up” when I was on internet. It showed a system (lol) to win (following the trend when it’s really “clean”) and I realized they will make money because people wont! So there is a way to “win”, or at least to predict something, somehow (even if this story of clean trend seems to be quite a bullshit …)

    I’m trading hard. I’m smarter than most of people, more spiritual, more whatever, and as stupid as everybody else on the first try 😀 So I lost 200 euros … And that could have destroy my motivation, but instead, I started thinking that I will get that fuc*ing money back, even if it takes me 1 year.

    So I’m working with demo account, but today was bad, really bad ^^ I started looking for stuff on internet, persuaded that I will find nothing at all (when you make money, you want to keep it for you, like a intellectual treasure in this case), and that I will need to understand everything by myself through years of hard work.

    You make me want to trade in a very serious way, and to rethink everything, thanks to all the crucial issues you exposed in your videos and that I was underestimated (especially fear and greed).

    Your work is a real good mind-regulator, so you’re kind of a holy trader of our emotions ! 😉


    If I succeed, I will owe you at least the deletion of the possibility to give up, and that’s a huge gift 😉


    A very happy french new student

  52. You are an incredible teacher, I have learned a lot from you and I am looking forward to your upcoming videos.

  53. Brian you’re doing a tremendous job, sharing with us, novices, enormous amount of information free of charge. Your straight to the point approach makes it so easy for newbies to understand the mechanics of binary options. Finding you on a random youtube video was like winning a lottery ticket! Keep up the good work!

  54. I started trading Binary Options after following some ‘get rich quick’ videos via Youtube. After losing a lot of money very quickly I realised these videos were based on unknowledgeable ideas that had no substance and were primarily based on luck. I made £111 on my first night of trading and then lost £400 the next. It was after this second night I realised I had to study and learn what the charts and market were telling me.

    I came across Brian’s website purely by chance and found it to be very useful and gave me a very good understanding of the market place and what the charts were saying. I found the lessons to be well explained and easy to follow. As a result of this I now have a far greater understanding of the market and how to play it. I am still using a Demo account and am trying out various strategies based on what Brian has taught me but thus far the methods I have learned seem to be overall effective.

    I am still looking for that ‘ultimate strategy’ where my win percentage is exceptionally high but because of what Brian has taught me I now know the signs and signals to look out for which will help me greatly with my future trading. I would like to thank Brian for this course and am very much looking forward to any future lessons and strategies he produces. Thanks Brian.

  55. Thank you very much Brian. Without your tutorials I think I would have given up on Binary Options and trading after the first day. I started an account only a few days ago and lost half my deposit before realizing I needed learn how to trade from someone who has been doing this for a while, not just any broker.

    Your videos are very informative, straight forward and to the point and have given me new confidence in Binary Options and trading. Thank you for the extremely valuable information. Keep up the good work and again thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with the rest of us.

  56. I would first like to say that Brian you are a godsend. Since finding your information I have learned so much about binary options. When I was first introduced to binaries I participated in one of those scam brokers with scam strategies and lost my shirt. I had a feeling this thing is real so I persevered and learned more about the industry.

    I found the best brokers to deal with but just could not grasp all the concepts in successful trading. I have been studying your info for just a few months, paper trading the strategies and perfecting my technique. With the knowledge supplied by Brian I have now doubled my account and looking forward from there. I am so excited about the markets now, once again thanks Brian you have participated in the greatest change in my financial life.

  57. I just wanted to write to sincerely thank you for your educational videos on Binary Trading. I am a “newbie” in every sense of the word, and know absolutely nothing on how to trade options, or any other type of trading. Due to the bad economy, I needed to do something to earn money, and so I looked to trading.

    I stumbled upon your videos on YouTube, and they have been immensely helpful in getting me to understand the art of trading options. I just started studying your first two (2) videos, so far, and I already have a basic understanding of how to spot a trend on a time and ticking chart. I still have so very much to learn, and that is why I have not done any trading yet (live or otherwise), and will wait to complete all of your courses, before attempting any “live” trades.

    I am proceeding slowly, as I learn, because I believe it is best to crawl before one attempts to walk. Again, I just wanted to take a moment to “thank you” for providing your wonderful educational courses (videos) and blog. This could possibly, in time, turn things around for me, financially. Thank you, again.


  58. Thank you Brian ! for sharing your knowledge and experience
    To the world, you have a unique way to teach in a way that is very
    Easy to understand and to follow all your organized procedures..
    Keep doing what you’re doing !
    The more knowledge you give, the more you will receive…
    blessings To your abundance and happiness…or

  59. Brian,

    Thank you for giving all of us these incredible free videos. They have helped me understand binary options and help define the type of trader that I want to become. You are making me think about my trades rather than react. I really appreciate your help Brian and always look forward to more videos.

    Thank you Brian,
    David Laubacher

  60. As a new Forex trader, I find your videos to be very very helpful. My brother and I are excited about understanding the markets and getting the basics before venturing into the market. Your information has helped us cut through the noise and get to the information that we need.

  61. Hi Brian,
    I just want to say thank you so so so so so so so so so so so much for your hard work for us (Traders). I was almost ready to give up BO treading but after watching your series (1-8) i get a new hope about BO trading . My confident is rising every day after finish every single series. Thank you again for life changing help …… Rayhan (Denmark)

  62. Hi,
    I would just like to say I have been looking all over the place for no nonsense direction when it comes to starting getting into trading, everything I could find was either too advanced for me to understand or asked me to pay money I couldn’t afford on big promises, I had no way to know if these courses were a scam or were going to be vague as so many are.
    I stumbled across your YouTube videos about Binary and finally got it. I just want to say thank you so much for the time you put into doing this, I hope you don’t start charging lots for it because that cuts people like me out since I’m not able to out money for something that I’m not sure about.
    With your help I hope to start trading with real money soon, after some more practice.
    I love how you get straight to the point, explain the lingo and then show real world examples of how it works and how to manage risk.
    Can’t thank you enough.

  63. Thank you so much for your videos Brian, I was desperately searching for something to help me in my trades, and all I could find was promises of making tons of money in no time and a lot of bullshit, until I finally found your videos, they have teach me a lot. I was amazed they were for free !!!
    Hope you keep posting them !!!!
    Rodney silva

  64. Hi Brian;

    Just a note to let you know that I am in the middle of the BO Series and am still digesting Heiken Ashi chart techniques, etc.

    I can say this … I have found your chart analysis overwhelming at first. Then I started to pay attention to the analysis and found it to be very detailed and helpful to my learning experience. I found that, as you suggested earlier in the series, that I needed to go through the course first and get an overall picture. Now I am referring back to prerequisites and re-reviewing each lesson.

    I will be trading FOREX using price action analysis.

    I am pleased that you have made the course not simple..but very understandable if the student completes the course in the order that you have presented it.

    Your detailed chart analysis is the key to that understanding and practical application of each technique.

    Thanks for taking the time to present this course.

    William Landry

  65. Brian
    There is actually no words for me to say how thankful I am that unselfish peep’s like you exist. And really, I have had my doubts. Because where i come from that is not unusual. I had some bad luck in my life with every decision I made was the wrong one rendering me homeless and moneyless in the beginning of March.

    I had to start living on the money the social service provided me, and that is not much. But somehow i manage to save up some money every month, might be because i only had to pay for food everyday, but on my search to get out of this hellhole i came across binary!! I put all my savings in one broker, and also found your tutorial vids.. For free!!

    I’m glad to say.. Today I’m not homeless, and I have an income every month, ok, I do not make 1000 of dollars every week, but enough to pay my bills and do things I like once in a while.. And all that thanks to your help of showing me the profit of being patient.. Thx m8)))))))

  66. Brian,
    Your videos have been very helpful and informative. They have helped me to be patient and wait for the right moments to trade. You not only give great tips, but you most importantly teach to be patient and set rules for yourself. Trading is a business, not gambling. Thanks for the great advice.

  67. Hi Brian,

    First off all thank you for your videos and the inspiration you brought to me.

    Indeed, at first I thought there must be a catch, but since you are very honest with the advertisment on your blog and the way you can earn some money with them, I thought he is a great guy. At the end we all have to pay for our subsistence.

    But back to your work, the biggest difference between your and all the other binary options stuff on the internet is, that you are really honest. None of that “earn 1000€ in one hour without risk” shit, like the others do.

    The biggest inspiration for me is that you teach to do little steps and have an eye on your risk and money management. If one follows your rules and still has the motivation to learn as much as he can it´s really realistic to earn money with the binary options. The amount you can earn is linked with your bankroll and that’s a very important hint from you. Also not to measure in earned money but in percentage, that helps to minimize the risk.

    Kind Regards,

  68. Watch you vids all the time. good stuff. Well detailed and technical. Keep it up!



  69. Today was my official “Break Even Day”. I began trading October 30th as a total newbie. After losing a few and winning more, I’ve broken even. Thanks to Brian and his vids plus the one hour tutoring session:

    1. I did not wipe my account
    2. I’ve been confident and didn’t give up
    3. I have different strategies for different
    markets and know how to use them
    4. I didn’t have to wait 6 months to a year
    to break even.

    I’m on my way to turning profits and becoming a successful trader! Thank you Brian. Today’s “in the money” ratio was 69%. It was not my best day ever but I’ll take it. If I can succeed with this, anyone can.

    I wish all of you traders or soon-to-be traders a happy holiday season and good trading!

  70. o.k listen up financial trading school is free,and one of the best,to had i did not want to say this because i don’t want him to change his mind and start charging but I have been all over the internet and i’ve seen top gurus charging between 2000 to 7000 dollars for the same courses brian is offering for free and these gurus have the heart to say we are lucky to get trading courses so cheap from them..so hi 5 to brian and thanks again bro.(jamaican richard)

  71. Hey All,
    I had another stellar day of trading. At the end of my session, I
    had 80% in the money. This is not written to brag. I’m saying that
    Brian’s courses have me trading like a pro! I encourage anyone else
    is having success, please share the news.

  72. Hey all,
    Just wanted to say that my last trading session was 71% in the money. No guessing, no luck, it was all using the information that I’ve been learning from Brian at Financial Trading School.
    Thanks Brian!

  73. Hi Brian

    As a complete newbie to Trading, binary or otherwise, I was looking for some advice on the best practices to adopt. I stumbled across one of your videos on YouTube completely by accident while looking for trading strategies. I clicked on your link from this YouTube video and found your website. I couldn’t believe that you were giving away all your advice for nothing and as you said above I was a little sceptical. Why would somebody give away all their advice for nothing but it turns out to be a little goldmine of knowledge!

    I have been right the way through your binary trading videos along with the majority of the others and your advice is very well presented and makes it easy to understand even for newcomers to trading. I’m sure I will be watching your videos over and over again to hone my skills even more.

    Keep up the great work!

    United Kingdom

  74. It’s awesome that your videos are free, helpful and honest. The amount of misleading info out there is terrible.

  75. I just wanted to say thank you for the many hours that you have put into your videos, with a bonus of them being free to view!
    It seems that everybody has an angle on the internet these days,in getting you to buy something (i.e. there services or produts)just when you think that everybody is a con; a few and I mean a FEW people like you provide very useful information(your videos)and your experience away for free to anybody that wants to learn! I know that it takes a lot of time in making the videos and I want to Thank you for all of your effort you have put into them.

    Anthony T

  76. Hi Brian
    Mate just a quick note to say thanks for your videos and your knowledge
    It has been an eye opener for me as i am new to trading i have learnt a lot from these and over the Christmas break i will try to look at them again,and hopefully learn more again thanks mate.

  77. Brian,

    I am very impressed with the knowledge you have in these videos! You know what you teach! Just remember to be more confident, don’t second guess yourself. I have learned a lot from these videos-this coming from a 50 year old man trying to learn something new! You have taught me a lot of of information in your no nonsense style. For a person who hasn’t been at this very long, bravo!

    Thank You

  78. Hello Brian!

    Thanks a lot for all your help! I’ve found your website soo helpful. I’m fairly new at trading, before I traded and lost money because I didn’t have enough knowledge. But now I’m improving and hopefully by the time I’m finished watching all your videos. I will be making lots of money. Thanks again.

  79. Hi Brian,
    Just a quick note to say a big thank you for all the help I’ve had from you in the last month. I am a complete newbie with no cash for tuition so I really could not believe my luck when I came across your site. I didn’t have a clue where to start but after completing your curriculum I have confidence and direction, the fact that you do all this for FREE in an industry overflowing with scam artists and con men is very refreshing. I would advise anyone who is new to trading to take the time to work through your videos.
    A true gentleman, thanks again.

  80. Hi Brian,
    I’m one of your students making my way through your lessons and I just wanted to thank you! I stumbled across one of your videos and haven’t looked back. Your willingness to help without question is amazing and I cant thank you enough! I emailed you with a question as I was struggling and within minutes you replied and helped me, how anyone would pay for a service when they could be taught by you to this level is besides me. I’m a complete beginner and after only a few days I already feel a massive achievement knowing what I do from your lessons! Soon I will be making my first real trades and putting what I have learnt into action . . I cant wait!
    Thank you Brian for all your help, keep up the good work!

  81. Brian’s videos and website are probably the BEST resource on the internet for binary trading. For him to give this information to people, for free, is a true gift to humanity. One of the benefits of his videos is that you can watch them, take notes and learn BEFORE you begin trading. It would not surprise me if this system is sold as a book or online class for hundreds of dollars in the future. I’ve already been practicing with pencil and paper and my success rate is extremely high. Even if his classes costed hundreds of dollars, it would be a bargain at twice the price! You could use the information and it would pay for itself. Kudos for your excellent presentations and many, many, many thanks for your time, effort and informative videos. Keep up the fantastic work Brian!

  82. Hey Brian,
    I sincerely thank you for all the help you had done for us for totally free!i think it might sounds insane,but it’s the truth.Even though i might not have earn money from Binary options yet and even lose money on it.But i strongly believe if i listen to brian and follow his step by step tutorial videos soon i’ll be able to do it right.

  83. When it comes to learning Forex and using effective trading strategies for binary options, Brian in my book, is the best educator on this subject. He is very easy to follow and clear to understand that even a kid could learn from him.

    I have learned more from Brian’s instructions over the course of a few days compared to the years I have been trying to learn and master the Forex binary option market on my own.

    Thanks to his explanations of working option trading strategies, I can use all of his methodologies to conquer the Forex binary option market world.

    This information Brian provides is so valuable that it should cost money just to lay eyes on these strategies and materials. But he provides the most important information for free of course.

    I highly recommend if any one wants to become successful at trading Forex binary options, to use all of the resources Brian provides in all of his tutorials on his Blogs and Youtube channel.

    Thank you so much Brian you made my life on Trading Binary options 100% Clearer.


    Mr. Jamil Brown

  84. Hey there Brian,

    I just wanted to say that, for the past 2 weeks I’ve developed a new strategy to making money. When I first came across it, I realized it was to good to be true. As i looked deeper into it I ran across your videos and started browsing what I wanted to see but not what I should know. As i ventured in how the market is working I then realized that this is a type of opportunity your gonna have to work for to accomplish and you are basically here to let us know that and on top of that your letting us know the information that we need to know. I don’t think a thank you would be enough to explain how you really helped me understand how this market works. For any new or soon to become traders, you need to understand the opportunity you have. Videos and descriptions showed to you by Brian for free is a blessing.

    Thanks Brian for introducing me to Binary Options.

  85. “When the student is ready the teacher will appear” some old Chinese proverb I guess, but it’s the truth. I actually called my broker Friday before discovering these training videos online on Saturday. I was really discouraged, losing more than winning. Each week I had less money in my account that the previous week. I really didn’t know what to do. I had studied many different “techniques” online and in books, but I really didn’t grasp them. They sort of worked some of the time, but not most of the time. I thought there was a conspiracy against me or something. Finally I now believe I can trade with confidence. I know what to do and when to do it. I’ll let you know how it goes later, but I’m looking forward to the next session now and no longer wanting to quit. Thank you for taking the time to spell it out in all the detail. It came at the right time and in very easy to comprehend format. Well done!

  86. Brian’s videos are awesome! Frankly, I can’t believe that someone would take the time (gratis) to share his journey to trading success. The world needs many teachers as each of us receives information in different ways, depending on our educational background, preferred interface (some of us need visual, others audio, etc.,), cultural proclivities, etc., but along the way someone, like Brian who is willing to share his ideas, may resonate with one or many, and truly make a difference.Sometimes it only takes a small shift in perpective and your entire world can change! Thanks again Brian for a job well done.

  87. Hi Mr Brian =) I’m one of your student following all ur classes from early EP1 till now. From knowing nothing of charts and knowledge in binary option and now through ur lessons i’ve manage to understand more. Although the video is long but it is that informative that almost every single thing a trader should know is covered and the instruction is that clear. I have no other way to show my gratitude to you besides on leaving comment on ur video and testimonials over here and of course using ur link so sign up an account with traderush. Currently using the demo account to try out the 60 sec option using ur strategy and suprisingly working well with consecutive win > 6 ~ Thx for the free tutoring that im about to get after i deposit xD and keep it up with the video ! Im hoping that u will cover pair options in the future and a review on stockpair would be nice as you are my only trusted instructor with no tutor fees intentions. HaHa ~ Anyway, A Big Thanks and a HUG =) ~ A mentor and a frenz of mine from now on =)

  88. Hi Brian Nguyen

    I am really grateful to you for your teaching. I know Binary option but I do not understand it. I know Stock but I do not understand it.

    Thank you for helping me out.

    I will surely create a account on 24option and start my trading life.

    Thank you again.

    ( I am not sure 100% whether you are a Vietnamese or not, so I write in English – I was born in 1992 – and If you don’t mind, I wanna call you teacher, and hopefully, I can contact you via email – send me a mail )

  89. Hi Brian,

    Actually, I discovered your tutorials via the Binary options Daily forums. Prior to discovering them, everything about binary option was nothing but smoke-and-mirrors noise and confusion.

    As a mentor, you cut right through the typical Internet marketing BS surrounding binary options trading like an oxy-acetylene cutting torch. And for that I am deeply grateful, as you have inspired a whole new level of dedication and discipline in learning the binary options trade.

    Thank you, Brian!

    Best regards,


  90. I have found Brian’s video EXTREMELY helpful in the world of trading. With being brand new to the trading world myself, it can be a bit overwhelming with all of the so called experts selling their products, books, and services making it hard to really know where to start and wondering who you can even trust. I have found the Financial Trading School courses very helpful and easy to follow as to which course to take next and which aspect of trading I should be focusing on now. So, I definitely want to say a very sincere thank you to Brian for taking the pain-staking time to do this and open it up to anybody willing to learn. Your kindness and generosity will surely be rewarded to you a hundred times over.

  91. I’m really grateful for your videos, I was at a loss at first when I was trading binary options. Then I came across your videos, I took those lessons by heart, and I improved quite a bit. Looking forward to your next videos!

  92. It’s very rare to find an opportunity like Brian has given everyone. It’s truly a great program. As a free ‘product’, no one should need convincing. Thank you – for changing my life forever.

  93. I’ve been trading binary options for 1.5 years now. After about 7 months of trading them, I was about to quit when I found Brians’ videos. They were kind of mind blowing because I realised the extent of my lack of knowledge. So I started to watch (and watch again the original videos series) and found them absolutely brilliant and very instructive, in fact it allowed me to put some “idea blocks” together, a bit like Tetris. More importantly, it actually gave me a solid boost to my motivation to continue trading and grow more.

    Brian is a very cool guy, very open and accessible, always trying to help people, and humble. Two thumbs up, keep up the good work, I will definitely continue watching new episodes.

    PS: I’ve had my share of scam products and ebooks in my early days, claiming to make me rich. To the new traders who find Brians’ Youtube videos, be grateful that you did. You may find them daunting at first since his videos are quite long. But you’ll come to realise the time spent watching his videos was well worth it. You can’t expect to learn to make millions overnight, trading is a long process and requires time and effort (one of his videos).

  94. Hi Brian,
    I just started binary options a few weeks ago. I was extremely overwhelmed at first, like you said the other videos people had were completely vague. Your videos have helped me to grasp the whole idea of binary options. I especially like PA trading. Anyways, thanks so much for the time and effort you pour into these videos! PLEASE do NOT stop!

  95. Hi Brian,

    I am new to the world of Binary options & it was true hell for me when i began trading Binary Options initially as i did not have the proper guidance & eventually made some loss & was about to give it up altogether when i stumbled across your video series. I found them very informative & easy to digest & learn. I once again thank you very much for your kind effort & time in coming up with these videos.

    Arafad Rahuman

  96. Hi Brian,
    I would like to say am really grateful to you for your videos. I had wanted to give up on binary options till I found your videos. What I like is the way you give the theory then followed by the practical aspect of how to do certain things. Am looking forward to the day that you will do a live trade and explain why you did certain things at a particular time. That will go a long way to help newbies like us. Thanks a million. All the best to you.